Nutritional Value of Butter Lettuce
One serving of this size of butter lettuce contains 10 calories. None come from fat.
Other Nutrients
According to the USDA Nutrition database, a serving of butter lettuce contains 29 mg of calcium which is about 2 percent of the daily recommended requirement and approximately 4 percent of the daily requirement of iron.
Butter lettuce contains approximately 2 grams of carbohydrates; this is divided into 1 gram of fiber, which is 4 percent of the USDA's daily recommended allowance, and 1 gram of dietary sugar.
One serving of butter lettuce contains approximately 14 percent of the USDA's daily recommended intake of vitamin A and 2 percent of the daily amount of vitamin C.
Three ounces of butter lettuce contains 1 gram of protein, which is 2 percent of the daily recommended requirement according to the USDA Nutrient database.
A serving of butter lettuce has 5 milligrams of sodium; this is negligible against one's daily allowance of sodium in the diet.