The Nutritional Value of Pork
There are multiple cuts of meat that can be defined as "pork." This guide follows the USDA guide of fresh boneless sirloin chops that have been broiled. One serving is defined as 3 oz. of meat.
One serving of pork chops will add 177 calories to your meal. While some of these calories come from protein, some of them come from fat.
While pork is known for being more lean than other cuts of meat, it still has fat content. One serving of pork has 7 g of fat. This is 11 percent of your daily recommended amount of fat.
Pork products are high in cholesterol. One serving of pork sirloin chops has 77 mg of cholesterol. This is 26 percent of your daily recommended amount.
Pork chops are an excellent source of protein. One serving has 52 percent of your daily recommended amount, with 26 g of protein.