Cayenne for Liver Detox
Cayenne contains vitamins E and vitamin C. There is also a special ingredient in the pepper family called capsaicin, which is what gives peppers their heat. The hotter the pepper the more capsaicin it contains. When cleansing the liver, you want to have the hottest peppers possible. These peppers would be Habanero, African Bird or Serrano. You can also purchase plain cayenne pepper from your local health food store, but cayenne alone is not going to detoxify the liver. There are two different detoxification programs you can choose from to cleanse the liver. Remember to seek the assistance of your health care practitioner before attempting any new diet or detoxification program.
Master Cleanse
The most popular use of cayenne pepper is in the master cleanse diet. The daily Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade diet, consists of 14 tablespoons lemon juice, 14 tablespoons maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper and 2 quarts of water. Use organic ingredients if possible. This diet has been said to cure the body of many illnesses, in addition to aiding in weight loss. The cayenne pepper in the master cleanse contains vitamins and minerals that ensures the body is getting the proper nutrition considering the master cleanse is a strict liquid-only diet.
The Incurables Program
Schulze has a program that is said to cure any ailment. It is suggested that you cleanse the entire body to reap the benefits of cleansing the liver since each organ operates in unison. Schulze created a cayenne pepper tincture to be used daily for cleansing purposes. It consists of filling a jar with the hottest dried cayenne pepper and 50 percent grain alcohol. Let the mixture sit for 15 to 16 days, shaking periodically. Strain with a coffee filter and take two to three drops three to four times a day or as needed. Naturally, for added nutrition and minerals you can always take cayenne capsules or add a dash of dried cayenne pepper to a glass of water. If you can stand the heat, your body will love it.