Foods Containing B6
Beans and Legumes
Chickpeas and peanut butter are both very high in B6, with 0.8 mg in a 200-calorie serving. This represents 40 percent of your daily dietary needs for B6. Many meat substitutes and soy milks made from soy protein are also high in B6. Kidney and pinto beans are also good sources of Vitamin B6.
Vegetables and Fruits
Most peppers are very high in B6, though they are eaten at such small quantities that their nutrition is not very dense. For example, one cup of raw sliced jalapenos contains 23 percent of the recommended daily value of B6. Chinese cabbage, spinach and watercress are also high in B6, along with turnip greens and okra; 200-calorie portions of these foods provide 0.2 mg of B6, which is 11 percent of your daily value. Few fruits are high in B6. The exceptions are bananas, which contain 0.4 mg per medium banana, and casaba melons.
Poultry and Seafood
Chicken liver contains a substantial amount of B6, with 12 percent of your daily needs per 1-oz. serving. White turkey and chicken meat contain a substantial amount of B6---0.2 mg per ounce. Unusual poultry meats like emu and ostrich are also quite high in B6. Yellowfin tuna is a good source of Vitamin B6, with 0.8 mg or 38 percent of your daily value in a 3-oz. serving. Salmon, clams and mollusks, and trout are all great sources of B6 as well.
Beef and Pork
Organ meats of beef are very high in B6, particularly beef liver and kidneys. Liver contains 0.3 mg of B6 in a 1-oz. serving, while kidneys contain 0.8 mg in the same amount. Cuts of beef like London broil and eye of round are also high in B6. Pork tenderloin and pork chops are good sources of Vitamin B6 as well.
Wheat germ, with 1.5 mg per cup, is a rich source of B6. Many breakfast cereals that contain whole grains are high in B6 as well. Oatmeal is also a good source of B6, with 0.1 mg per cup. Whole wheat pastas also contain substantial amounts of B6---whole wheat spaghetti contains 0.1 mg per serving.