Foods High in Omega 3 Oils
Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of fat that are known to be good for the body. Omega-3 fats are polyunsaturated fats. This means that foods that might seem high in fat could actually be healthful as long as they feature these unsaturated fats. There are two main types of omega-3 fatty acids: EPA and DHA. According to WHFoods, EPA is important for the heart, and DHA is important for the brain.
Omega-3 fatty oils can do multiple things for the body. This includes prevention of blood clotting, prevention of cancer cell growth, inflammation reduction and weight control. Omega-3 fatty oils can help those who have issues with their hair, nails, skin and joints.
WHFoods, using FDA data, points out salmon as a great source of omega-3 fatty oils. One serving (4 ounces) has 87 percent of your recommended daily amount of omega-3. Seafood, in general, is known to be a good source of omega-3. Halibut has 25 percent of your daily amount. Snapper, scallops, tuna, shrimp and cod all have roughly 15 percent of your recommended daily amount.
Walnuts are one of the best sources of omega-3 available. A quarter-cup serving of walnuts has 95 percent of your recommended daily amount of omega-3 fatty oils. Pecans and hazelnuts are also known to have good levels of omega-3 oils.
Certain types of oils can be high in omega-3 fatty oils. Flaxseed oil is a great source of omega-3 as the flaxseed it is made out of is the best source of omega-3 available. Canola oil is also a good source of omega-3. Fish oils that come from fish high in omega-3 fatty acids also have high levels of omega-3.