Water Cure for Weight Loss
Function and Amount Needed
The body needs water. Vital organs need water to flush out toxins. Cells need water to transport nutrients to them. Water is needed to keep the tissues of the throat, ears and nose moist. Without adequate amounts of water, the body becomes dehydrated. Dehydration causes fatigue and in severe cases can kill you. The Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink 3 liters of water per day and that women drink 2.2 liters of water daily.
Water Research Studies
A study by Dr. Brenda Davy indicates that when dieters drink two glasses of water 30 minutes prior to eating a meal, they will lose more weight than dieters who do not. Another study by Davy found that those dieters who drank water before a meal eat about 75 calories less than usual.
Ways Water Helps Weight Loss
Water is also important to diets because dehydration adversely affects metabolism. Even slight dehydration can slow metabolism and inhibit weight loss.
In addition, water is essential for dieters because the body can easily confuse thirst with hunger. Thus, if dieters drink plenty of water, the body will not send false hunger signals when it is thirsty.