Nutritional Value of Turkey Bacon
One cup of turkey bacon pieces contains 313 calories. Of those, 206 are from fat, which makes turkey bacon an unhealthy choice based on the ratio of fat calories to total calories.
The same serving of turkey bacon contains 24.3 grams of protein, 49% of the recommended daily value for a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet.
Beware the cholesterol in turkey bacon. One serving contains 80.4 mg, 27% of an adult's recommended daily limit.
Bacon from pork is known to be high in fat, but turkey bacon is hardly fat-free food either. One cup of turkey bacon pieces contains 22.9 grams of fat. Of that, 6.8 grams are saturated, 8.9 grams are monounsaturated and 5.6 grams are polyunsaturated. The turkey bacon also contains 364 mg of Omega-3 and 4.9 grams of Omega-6 fatty acids.
Turkey bacon is not a significant source of vitamins, with only 14% of an adult's daily recommended amount of niacin.
One serving of turkey bacon contains 1.8 grams of sodium, 377 mg of phosphorus, 21.2 micrograms of selenium and 2.5 mg of zinc.