Children Story Books on Health and Nutrition
Childhood obesity is a serious medical problem that occurs from children being heavier than they should for their age and weight. One of the causes of obesity is a poor diet, so it is important that children learn early on how to eat properly. Luckily, there are many books written to guide children through proper dietary habits.-
"Too Much" by Linda T. West
"Too Much" tells the story of Luke, who just wants to eat and eat. Through colorful illustrations and rhyming, children are taught the importance of good food and exercise.
"Janey Junkfood's Fresh Adventure!" by Barbara Storper
Ace Food Detective Tobe Fit helps Janey Junkfood find balance by cutting down on sugar, eating fruits and vegetables, and having a balanced diet. The book also comes with 14 snack recipe cards.
"Oh the Things You Can Do That Are Good for You!" by Tish Rabe
The Cat-in-the-Hat explains how eating right and getting enough exercise and sleep can keep a body healthy.
"I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato" by Lauren Child
Lola refuses to eat any vegetables, but her older sister Charlie comes up with imaginative ways to make the once-repulsive food appealing.
"The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food" by Stan and Jan Berenstain
Mama Bear sees Papa and the cubs getting pudgy from too much junk food. They go to Dr. Grizzly to learn how the body works and how to take care of it.