Simple Daily Liver Cleanse
Here are strategies for detoxifying the liver and arriving at a simple daily liver cleanse.
Nutrients Required to Detoxify the Liver
In order to properly detoxify your liver, you need to have certain nutrients present. Adequate antioxidants are necessary to keep your liver in a healthy state. Vitamin C, milk thistle, beta carotene and vitamin E are all a part of the overall liver health plan.
Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower are full of these essential antioxidants.
The Detoxification Program
Liver detoxification happens over a six-day period, followed by a simple daily liver cleanse. Each morning you will have a cup of filtered water with 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Each day you will also drink 8 glasses of water---preferably filtered---and 3 cups of dandelion, clover or asparagus tea. During the six-day period you should only eat natural foods; grains, vegetables, purified water and plenty of fruits, as directed. You will eliminate certain food groups each day until your body is fully cleansed and only fluids remain.
Exercise should be limited to walking one mile per day as well as getting plenty of rest, preferably with meditation.
During Day 1, eliminate all sweets, caffeine, meats and refined foods. Take two asparagus capsules or a serving of asparagus tea both in the morning and evening. During Day 2, eliminate all beans, nuts and dairy. During Day 3, eliminate grains except for whole-grain white rice. During Day 4, eliminate all vegetables that are high in starch, as well as fish.
On Day 5, you will eliminate the rice and be left with only fruits and vegetables. Make sure to eat vegetables that are good for the heart such as beets, artichokes, onions and carrots. On Day 6, you will quit eating all solid foods, leaving only water, broths, vegetable juices, fruit juices and tea.
The Simple Daily Liver Cleanse
After Day 6 your body will feel revitalized and you will be able to continue your normal diet, except that you will begin a simple daily liver-cleanse routine. You will continue to have a cup of warm, filtered water each morning with 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice. You will also continue drinking 8 glasses of water per day as well as 3 cups of dandelion, clover or asparagus tea.
Avoid fatty foods, foods with additives, and alcohol in order to ease the job your liver must do to keep your blood clean.