Foods for an Ulcer Diet
Food Journal
There is not one diet for every person suffering from ulcers. Different food causes varied responses. Some people are sensitive to dairy products, while others can not easily digest yeast. The best course of action is to start a food journal. Record everything you eat and the symptoms you experience afterward. Also, record the time of day and your mood. These are very important details to report for your doctor. Check your record and look for a pattern of flare-ups. Avoid those foods and see if your symptoms improve. Be cognizant that dairy, gluten, and corn is in a lot of foods. Check ingredient labels. You can find gluten in everything from ketchup to daily supplement pills.
Create a meal plan that incorporates lots of vegetables and fiber. You can steam or mash vegetables to make them more tolerable. Stay away from starchy foods like potatoes. The best diet is low in carbohydrates and high in vegetable protein with no fats or dairy. In place of dairy try alternatives like soy or rice cheese. There are numerous brands that can be purchases at many grocery stores. Fish, skinless chicken and turkey are acceptable sources of protein. An easy recipe that has everything you need is baked fish in parchment paper. Take a sheet of parchment paper and lay down vegetables like spinach or broccoli and one minced garlic clove. On top of that layer, spoon some whole wheat couscous. Place the fish on top and pour two teaspoons of both over whole dish. Carefully, fold all the sides and bake it in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Include garlic in as many meals as you can. It has fantastic healing and antibiotic properties that kill viruses and heal your colon lining.
Foods to Avoid
Refrain from drinking carbonated beverages, caffeine, and alcohol. All of these put undue stress on your colon and immunity. Do not eat any red meat, refined sugar or processed foods. Avoid fast food like the plague. Almost everything is fried, which can hurt your body. When eating fruit, be sure you do not have an empty stomach. Acidic fruits like tomatoes, oranges, lemons and grapefruit should be avoided. Drink about 10 8-ounce glasses of water a day to clear out toxins. Taking care of your stomach ulcer means making some dietary changes and becoming aware of what foods cause symptoms. Eat the right foods to give your body a chance to heal.