The Best Juice Recipe to Get Your Daily Probiotics
The digestive tract is responsible for a large portion of our immune system. When you take probiotics, you can boost your immune system by strengthening and balancing your digestive system.
Probiotics and Juices
Drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juices allows your body to absorb their nutrients more quickly than it could from eating processed and cooked food. Fresh juice retains the natural enzymes in the raw fruits and vegetables, and these enzymes play a role in converting the food we eat into energy and boosting the body's metabolism. Juicing fresh, raw fruit also provides the body with vital phytochemicals that help build the immune system and fight off diseases.
By combining juicing with probiotics, you can be sure that you are receiving the essential nutrients that your body needs to sustain and repair itself and provide the energy and vitality to handle the challenges that you face each day.
Probiotic Sources
Probiotics can be found in certain foods such as kefir, yogurt, miso, tempeh, some fruit juices and soy beverages, and it can be found in supplements that come in liquid, capsule and powdered forms.
For our purposes, you want a probiotic source that can be easily added to a juice recipe. You can choose a liquid probiotic supplement formula, add yogurt or kefir, and soy milk or you can sprinkle a powdered probiotic supplement into your juice recipe.
Probiotic Juice Recipe
1 cup of kefir or yogurt
1/2 cup pomegranate juice
1/4 cup fresh blueberries
1/2 cup cranberry juice (unsweetened)
1 small banana
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
Handful of fresh baby spinachCombine all of the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
The best juice recipe to get your daily probiotics is one that you will enjoy drinking every day. Start with the ingredients listed, but then choose the ingredients that you like and develop your own recipe for this power beverage. If you want to make this drink to replace a meal, you can also add a scoop of your favorite protein powder and some ground flax seed. Experiment with different fruits and vegetables until you hit on something that you love. It won't take long for you to feel the benefits such as increased energy and vitality and fewer digestive problems.