Sweet Corn Nutrition
Largest Vitamins
One serving of sweet corn contains 18 percent of a person's daily requirement for folate at 70.5 mcg. Sweet corn also contains 6 percent of the requirement for pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and 5 percent of both riboflavin and Vitamin B6.
Other Vitamins
Sweet corn also contains a number of other vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, thiamine and niacin.
Largest Minerals
One cup of sweet corn contains 20 percent of the day's requirement for sodium, which some people must eat in moderation because of high blood pressure or renal conditions. A serving of sweet corn also delivers 12 percent of the daily manganese requirement.
Other Minerals and Amino Acids
Sweet corn also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, copper and selenium. It also delivers 18 amino acids, including glutamic acid, proline and leucine.
Other Considerations
Sweet corn is cholesterol-free and low in fat. One serving contains 9 percent of the daily requirement for protein as well as 12 percent of the dietary fiber needed for one day.