Cornmeal Nutrition
There are multiple ways to define a serving of cornmeal. The USDA defines one serving as 1 cup (122g) of whole-grain, yellow cornmeal.
One cup of cornmeal has 442 calories. This may seem like a lot, but in perspective, this can be friendly to your diet. Most will not eat a full cup of cornmeal in one sitting.
Every serving of cornmeal has 4g of fat. Of this, 1g is saturated fat. Cornmeal also has 1,938 mf of omega-6 fatty acids.
Dietary Fiber
Dietary fiber is important for digestion regulation and lower cholesterol. Cornmeal is an excellent source of dietary fiber. It has 9g, or 36 percent, of your daily recommended amount of dietary fiber.
Iron is an important component of a diet, as it helps to move oxygen to various parts of the body. Cornmeal is a good source of iron, with 23 percent of your daily value.