Healthy Diet for Colonitis
Hydration is very important for a person with colonitis. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day will prevent constipation and keep your colon in good health. While some believe that reducing fluid will prevent diarrhea during outbreaks, it can actually weaken the body and cause dehydration.
A high-fiber diet will help to keep food moving through the intestines. Vegetables should be as raw as a person can tolerate. Steaming vegetables is recommended if you don't like them raw. During an intestinal flare up, high-fiber food should be put on hold to allow the intestines to rest and recover.
High Protein
It is important to eat a high-protein diet that includes eggs, lean meat and fish when you have colonitis. High-protein foods, however, should not be exclusive of other foods.
Supplements for a person with colonitis include fish oil, flax seed oil, prebiotics such as psyllium and probiotics (live culture found in some yogurts). Pre-digested nutritional drinks can also be helpful. Always check with a physician before supplementing your diet.
What to Avoid
Certain foods should be avoided when a person has colonitis. This list is not set in stone, however, as research shows that different foods affect different people in different ways. Still, the list of foods known to negatively affect people with colonitis are dairy, fiber (during outbreaks), caffeine, alcohol, sorbital sweetener and gas-producing vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and onions. It is also recommended that carbonated drinks be avoided.