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Egg Nutrition Data
There are multiple sizes of eggs, and multiple cooking methods for eggs. For consistency, this guide focuses on one raw "large" whole egg. In this instance, a large egg refers to an egg that is 50g in weight.
One egg has 71 calories. Of these calories, 45 come from fat. The rest comes from the protein in the egg.
Eggs, in moderation, are fine for those who are worried about the amount of fat that they eat. One egg has 5g of fat. Of this fat, 2g are saturated fat.
Those who have high cholesterol should stay away from eggs. One egg has 211mg of cholesterol. This is 70 percent of your daily value of cholesterol.
Eggs are a good source of protein. One egg has 6g of protein. This is considered 13 percent of your daily recommended amount of protein.