What Is Lactobacillus Gg?
Where Does It Naturally Occur?
This healthy bacterium is found naturally in several foods, such as yogurt and other raw dairy products. You won't find Lactobacillus Gg in pasteurized milk, because it has been killed through the manufacturing process. However, if you buy raw milk, cheese or butter from a local organic dairy, then these bacteria are almost always living happily within the product. Once you drink raw milk, the bacteria will go to work in your body right away. Raw milk can actually be very good for you if it is produced at a clean dairy. Raw milk also contains live enzymes and other beneficial bacteria strains that help to improve overall health.
What Products Have Lactobacillus Gg Added to Them?
Many probioic supplements found online or in health food stores have Lactobacillus Gg along with other strains of flora added to them. The best probiotic supplements contain several different types of healthy bacteria. You can also find this in super food smoothies, and it also been added to some green powder chlorella and spirulina blends. These blends can also be found in health food stores. One company that manufactures this blend is called Garden of Life, created by Jordan Ruban. Jordan Ruban is a world-famous health guru who overcame Crohn's disease. He is on a mission to help other people regain health.
The dosage needed is just a recommendation based on what is the most effective according to published studies (to read the studies, check out the links in the References and Resources sections). Take 10 to 20 billion strains of Lactobacillus Gg and other sister strains of bacteria daily. Some supplements only contain 5 billion, but for the best results, more is needed. Children should take 3 to 5 billion strains mixed into their favorite healthy beverage, such as raw carrot juice.
When Was Lactobacillus Gg Discovered?
This tiny strain of flora was discovered back in 1983; at that time, it was classified in the American type culture collection. The American Type culture collection is a private biological resource center that works to preserve and produce microorganisms, cell lines and other living materials. It is a scientific non-profit organization. Bacteria are held there for preservation.
Other Functions of Lactobacillus Gg
We already know that this friendly bacterium kills the bad bacteria within our body as well as strengthening our immune system. However, this strain of flora also does so much more. For instance, it assists other strains of healthy flora and enhances their effectiveness. Lactobacillus Gg helps to control the fatigue experienced after a colonic. In addition, this friendly flora also helps to promote regularity.