Bowel Cleaning Liquid Diet
The bowels are part of a system that cleanses your body of waste that accumulates from the food, chemicals and toxins that you ingest. Bowels that have accumulated waste that has become impacted can cause symptoms such as stomach problems, constipation, illness and fatigue. Cleaning the bowel can increase overall health and wellness.-
Drink only purified water with 2 tbsp of lemon or lime for the first 2 to 3 days of the diet. Water should be filtered or purchased in purified form to ensure it is free of harmful toxins or chemicals. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day to help alleviate hunger and loosen impacted material.
Follow the water cleansing with a vegetable and fruit juice purification. Use a juicer to make juice from carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and celery for a fiber-rich vegetable juice. Drink this at four to eight times daily to increase elimination of impacted material. Also, drink a fruit juice that includes apples, grapes, watermelon, banana, strawberries and blueberries. Drink this mixture three or more times per day as well. Wash all fruits and vegetables to remove any chemical build-up before juicing. Drink 64 ounces of water with lemon in addition to the fruit mixture.
Add herbal teas to your diet on the first day of juice cleansing to loosen the impacted material in the bowel. Use lemongrass, chamomile and dandelion root tea to cleanse the bowel. In addition, take an herbal supplement with ginger, licorice, capsicum and goldenseal to clean impacted material. Drink herbal teas two or more times per day and take an herbal supplement with the above ingredients as directed.
Gradually add solid foods after a week on the liquid bowel cleansing diet. To make solid foods more easy to digest, mix raw vegetables and fruits in a food processor for the first few days after the detox diet. Add more solid foods into the diet slowly to encourage optimal digestion and bowel health.