Horseradish Sauce Nutrition
Serving Size
Different companies have different recipes for their horseradish sauces, effectively changing the nutrition information from product to product. For the sake of consistency, this assumes a particular brand (Culver's) and a 1 ounce serving of horseradish sauce.
Adding a single serving of horseradish sauce to a sandwich or salad can seriously increase the number of calories in your meal. One serving has 121 calories.
Adding horseradish sauce to your meal also adds fat to your meal. One serving has 11 grams of fat. Of these 11 grams of fat, 2 grams are saturated fat (considered unhealthy fat).
Adding too much horseradish sauce to your food can seriously increase your sodium intake. One single 1 ounce serving has 205 milligrams of sodium; this is 9 percent of your daily recommended amount.
In general, companies add sugar to the horseradish sauce to add more complex flavor. This particular sauce has 4 grams of sugar.