Nutritional Benefits of Soy
Cholesterol Benefits
According to the Mayo Clinic, various medical studies have shown the consuming soy can help reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol.
Cancer Prevention
The Mayo Clinic asserts that consumption is associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer. Soy may be beneficial in reducing the risk of other cancers, but research is currently inconclusive.
Endocrine Disorder Treatment
Some research suggests that soy nuts may diminish inflammation. It may also help to regulate blood sugar.
Blood Pressure
Preliminary research suggests that soy protein may help to control blood pressure.
Weight Loss
Some research indicates that consuming soy products may promote weight loss; however, research studies have produced conflicting reports concerning weight loss.
Diarrhea Treatment
The Mayo Clinic also reports that various studies have shown soy can help treat diarrhea symptoms. Babies and young children who are given soy formulas or products recover more quickly from bouts of diarrhea.