Raw-Food Vegetarian Diet
The Salad is the Main Thing
A green salad is the mainstay of the raw vegetarian diet. The humble salad becomes the star of the show in a raw-vegetable diet. Green vegetables make up the bulk of the diet, and provide oxygen-rich chlorophyll, in addition to antioxidants, minerals, vitamin K and fiber. An innovative way to get your greens in the morning is to make a smoothie made of fresh baby spinach, frozen berries, two bananas and some fresh orange juice.
Carrot juice is packed with vitamin A for healthy skin and eyes. Another key component is juicing. Drinking a glass of fresh vegetable juice is like getting an infusion of vitamins. The fiber has been removed, so your body doesn't have to work hard to get the nutrients. Green juices provide your body with antioxidants, minerals and oxygen. Fruit juices should be diluted and used in moderation, since they are higher in natural sugars.
What About Protein?
Nuts and seeds provide protein. Raw-food advocates claim they get their protein from raw nuts and seeds. Nut butters, nut milks, pates, desserts and raw, dehydrated crackers are made from nuts and sometimes seeds.