How do I Grow Huge Muscles Using a Workout & Meal Plan?
Things You'll Need
- Weights
- Foods high in complex carbohydrates
- Foods high in protein
- Protein shakes (optional)
- Muscle-building supplements (optional)
Workout Plan
Train using high weights and low reps. Use good form, but you need to challenge your muscles every time you lift. Pushing your muscles to the limit is what encourages the body to become stronger and increase its muscle mass. Perform each rep slowly to maximize its effectiveness. Training with higher weights means you will be able to complete fewer weights per set. Using lower weights and more reps encourages increased endurance and weight loss, rather than increased muscle and lean weight gain.
Gradually increase the amount of weight you are using. The rule of thumb is to increase the weights by 5 pounds or 5%, whichever is lower.
Even if you are concentrating on building muscle in one particular muscle group, such as the biceps, train every part of your body. Don't neglect any muscle groups, and train either side of the body equally. Imbalance in your weightlifting program can lead to strain and injury.
Do cardio occasionally to burn fat. Although fat-burning is not the focus of your workout, any excess fat will hide the muscle you're building. Since you are concentrating on weight gain and building muscle, do cardio no more than twice a week for 30-minute sessions. To lose fat while retaining muscle, try performing sprint intervals or other interval cardio training---alternating a steady pace with short bursts of speed.
Build regular recovery days into your workout plan. Don't train the same muscle group on consecutive days. Allow at least 24 hours of rest between sessions for any one muscle group. Before and after each workout, stretch your muscles to prevent injury.
Meal Plan
Design a meal plan that incorporates a variety of healthy foods. Don't focus solely on high protein, although it is important for building muscle. In addition to increasing your protein intake, also consume complex carbohydrates, adequate water, and healthy fats such as fish oil, nut butters, and olive oil. Try to eat four to six meals per day. To gain weight, keep your calorie intake high.
Eat foods high in protein, including tuna and other fish, whole eggs, lean ground beef, milk, lean (white meat) chicken, Greek yogurt (which has twice the protein content of regular yogurt), lentils, and, optionally, whey powder, as a dietary supplement. Add a scoop of whey powder into shakes or almost any kind of food. Incorporate protein into almost every meal. Consume protein following your workouts. This is the most important time to consume protein if you are trying to build muscle.
Eat foods high in complex carbohydrates, including oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, brown rice, and fruits and vegetables. Consume carbohydrates about an hour prior to your workout, and continue to eat good sources of carbohydrates afterward to ensure your body is adequately fueled.
Dietary supplements such as multivitamins, whey powder, and mass-building supplements are recommended by some trainers, but these are optional. Consuming too much protein or too many dietary supplements may not be beneficial; the body will eliminate excess nutrients that it cannot use immediately. However, if you are concerned about your nutrition or protein intake, you may find supplements beneficial to your workout and nutrition regimen.