Chef Boyardee Ravioli Nutritional FAQs
Chef Boyardee ravioli comes in 15-ounce cans or microwaveable containers. Chef Boyardee ravioli has different varieties including beef, cheese or fat-free beef ravioli.
A 15-ounce can of beef ravioli has a serving size of 1 cup and is equal to 240 calories. A one-cup serving of cheese ravioli is 200 calories, and the fat-free beef ravioli has 170 calories for a one cup serving.
Fat calories
A one-cup serving of beef ravioli has 70 calories from fat. The fat-free beef ravioli has 15 calories from fat, and the cheese ravioli has 40 calories from fat in a serving.
A one-cup serving of fat-free or regular beef ravioli provides 6 percent Vitamin A, 10 percent iron and 2 percent calcium. A one-cup serving of cheese ravioli provides 4 percent Vitamin A, 10 percent iron and 2 percent calcium.
A one-cup serving of beef ravioli contains 900 mg of sodium. The fat-free beef ravioli has 880 mg of sodium, and the cheese ravioli has 790 mg of sodium.