What Is a Healthy Blood Sugar Range?
Determining your healthy blood sugar range is crucial to maintaining your health when you have diabetes. Those who have diabetes use blood glucose meters at home and on the go to check their blood sugar and work with their doctor to find their target blood sugar range.
Both the International Diabetes Federation and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommend 140 mg/dL blood sugar post-meal target. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) call for a range that is slightly higher, at less than 170 mg/dL 1 to 2 hours after meals and 80 to 120 before meals.
Keeping your blood sugar level in the healthy range will help you feel your best each day and lower your risk of additional health problems caused by diabetes.
You can keep your blood sugar in the healthy target range by making smart food choices, exercising regularly and taking your medication.
Diabetics who do not keep their blood sugar in a healthy range can end up suffering from some of these complications: heart disease, stroke, neuropathies (nerve damage), eye diseases, erectile dysfunction, skin sores, kidney disease, nerve damage in the stomach and other health problems.
Famous Ties
Mary Tyler Moore, Halle Berry, and Nick Jonas are all celebrities who have diabetes.