Diet to Reduce Enlarge Prostate
Fish, especially salmon, mackerel and trout, which are high in Omega-3 oil, are good for the prostate. The Omega-3 oil helps prevent the growth of cancerous tumors including tumors in the prostate, which an enlarged prostate can be a symptom of. It also helps cardiovascular disease and improves brain function and the immune system. This does not mean fat is good in a prostate-reducing diet. High-fat food where the fat comes from other sources like red meat should be avoided.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables not only provide good nutrition to help you body put itself in balance, they keep you regular and reduces pressure on prostate. Favor leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and chicory. Tomatoes, watermelon and grapefruit contain lycopene, which may help the prostate. Some recent research has put that in doubt, though the same research still supports that the consumption of tomatoes helps prevent prostate cancer but the reason for this is still being studied.
Beans and Nuts
Nuts are high in fat, but they are one of the exceptions to the low-fat rule, like fish. Beans and lentils have also been found to to help the prostate and they also provide you with protein. One study found that eating 30.7 grams or more of nuts, lentils and beans daily lowered the risk of developing prostate cancer by 30 percent (
One of the drinks you should avoid because it inflames the prostate is coffee, but green tea is allowed and could become a substitute. Green tea is known for its powerful antioxidants, which can help you maintain your health. Though alcohol should generally be avoided, some studies say that because of the flavonoids it contains, a glass or red wine each day will actually help the prostate.
Things to Avoid
Generally, a diet to minimize anything that could inflame the prostate include avoiding coffee, spicy foods, dairy products, red meat and alcohol. Depending on how your body reacts to these, you might be able to eat or drink small amounts occassionally, but the more you can resist the temptation of some morning joe or a hamburger, the easier it will be to shrink your prostate.