Natural Remedy to Quit Smoking
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that is used to treat illness and disease as well as one's addition to nicotine. Acupuncture takes several visits and consists of targeting pressure points on the body with hair-thin needles.
Although it is not immediate or a magic cure, it can ease the withdrawal symptoms and cravings to help a person quit smoking.
Lobelia is an herb found in many "quit smoking" options such as Smoke Rx, Smoke Away and CigArrest. Lobeline, the active ingredient in lobelia, mimics the feeling the body gets from nicotine and naturally eases tension and anxiety.
Peppermint tea is another herbal remedy that aids in the process of detoxifying the body. Peppermint tea cleanses the system and stimulates the senses.
St. John's wort is an herbal remedy usually used for depression, but it has been shown to help people quit smoking when combined with counseling. A Phase II study of St. John's wort for smoking cessation conducted by Complementary Therapies in Medicine suggests that St. John's wort may aid in the smoking termination process. St. John's wort relieves the stress and anxiety that comes with kicking the habit, but it should be taken with care. It has been shown to make prescription medications less effective.
Hypnosis is an effective way to kick the smoking habit if you are open to this method. This practice needs to be conducted by a licensed hypnotherapist and can become quite costly, ranging between $90 to $150 per session. This concentrated relaxation technique moves a person from the conscious to unconscious mind.
While the subconscious mind is open, it is ready to receive information without having a guard up. Because of this, a hypnotherapist can relay that you are a non-smoker, and your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between the imaginary and accepts it as reality.
This practice over time can encourage you to believe that you are a non-smoker.