Anti Fungal Diet
Foods to be Avoided
Foods that contain sugar are the most important to avoid. The most crucial are fast releasing sugars such as fructose, lactose, maltose, glucose, sorbitol and mannitol. Syrup-type products such as honey and molasses, cookies, cakes and other sweets are also important to avoid. Fruits such as banana and pineapple are also high in sugar content and should be avoided as well.
Processed foods that are boxed, canned or bottled should be closely monitored as most are high in sugar. Checking the label is important as there are many foods that one would not normally consider a high-sugar product. Some processed foods that are commonly high in sugar are sodas, soups, condiments, and cereals, although there are many sugar-free and low-sugar versions of these products available.
Any sort of food that contains yeast or mold should be avoided as ingesting such foods would be counterproductive in the goals of an anti-fungal diet. These foods include cheeses that contain mold, certain alcoholic drinks, mushrooms, processed meats, malt products and certain condiments. Dried fruits, high in sugar and mold, should never be included in an anti-fungal diet. Some packaged fruit drinks may also contain mold and fruit juices should only occasionally be ingested as most are high in sugar.
Foods in Moderation
Some foods are only acceptable to eat in small amounts on an anti-fungal diet. This includes fruits that are low in sugars, certain vegetables that are high in carbohydrates and grains. Moderation is the key when it comes to these foods. Excessive amounts will lead to the same undesirable effects as those foods that are to be avoided.
Safe Foods
There are foods that are safe to consume freely on an anti-fungal diet. Animal products such as meat and eggs are safe with the exception of the processed variety. Any sort of low carbohydrate vegetable such as broccoli and asparagus can be eaten freely. Nuts and seeds are also allowed and make an excellent source of filling protein. However, it is important to avoid high carbohydrate or mold-containing nuts.