Weight Loss Tips for Women With PCOS
Meal Planning
Women with PCOS often have high insulin levels, which is why consuming a diet that emphasizes foods with a low glycemic index (GI) may help to enhance weight loss. Low-GI foods have less effect of an effect on blood sugar levels, allowing women to maintain normal levels. Foods that are high in carbohydrates rank high on the glycemic index, while vegetables such as artichokes and eggplant are considered low on the glycemic index.
The plan is to have no more than 40 percent of your daily intake come from carbohydrate food sources. Typically taking this action helps reduce insulin levels for women with PCOS, making them feel more energetic and potentially stimulating weight loss.
Low-GI Foods to Include
When creating your PCOS-friendly diet, aim for 5 to 6 small meals a day (200 to 300 calories) to keep your insulin levels balanced. Here are some examples of low-GI foods to choose from (keep in mind that a GI ranking below 55 is a low-GI food):
Multi-grain bread - 48 GI
Whole-grain bread - 50 GICereals
All-Bran - 42 GI
Oatmeal (not instant) - 49 GI
Oat bran - 55 GIDairy
Low-fat yogurt - 14 GI
Chocolate milk - 24 GI
Skim milk - 32 GIFruits (this is just a small sample of low-GI fruits)
Cherries - 22 GI
Apples - 38 GI
Grapes - 46 GIPasta
Spaghetti - 27 GI
Fettucine - 32 GI
Vermicelli - 35 GISnacks
Peanuts - 15 GI
Peanut M & Ms - 32 GI
Snickers bar - 40 GISoups
Tomato - 38 GI
Lentil - 44 GIVegetables
Artichoke - 15 GI
Asparagus - 15 GI
Cauliflower - 15 GI
Foods to Avoid
Just as there are foods that will help women with PCOS to lose weight, there are some options that should be avoided due to a GI of higher than 70. These foods tend to be higher in fat and carbohydrates and include doughnuts, baguettes, cornflakes, millet flour, brown rice pasta, potato chips, baked potatoes, tortilla chips, jelly beans, pretzels, and broad beans.
These foods should be avoided due to their tendency to further spike insulin levels, making it even more difficult for women with PCOS to lose weight.
Add in Exercise
While diet is a big part of the weight-loss puzzle for women with PCOS, the benefits of exercise should not be neglected. Women should engage in at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week. Choose from a variety of activities, and be sure to alternate between cardiovascular exercises and those that build muscle.
The following exercises may prove beneficial:
Cardiovascular - walking, aerobics classes, bicycling, using an elliptical machine, and hiking
Weight Training - exercises using the body's own weight, such as squats, push-ups, or tricep dips, lifting weights, or using resistance bands.