Diet Tips to Flatten a Stomach
Rethink your diet
Bloating happens to even the thinnest of people. While causes can depend upon one's personal body chemistry, the most common culprits of bloating include too much salt, dairy and processed products, especially those that contain artificial sweeteners. Whatever you do, do not take any form of diuretics to lose weight, which will only come from water. Instead, you cut down on salt and up your potassium intake from naturally sources such as fruit (bananas are a tried-and-true favorite), vegetables, nuts and seeds, and lean sources of protein like fish, shellfish, and white meat. If bloating is a chronic condition for you, your might have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and should see a doctor.
Cardio before Crunches
Crunches don't burn fat -- cardiovascular exercise does. And you can tone muscles all you want, but if there's a layer of fat covering them, especially over your abs, then no one will see them. You will need to engage in a full-body workout such as running, biking, swimming, or even walking at a brisk pace. Playing sports like basketball and tennis also count as cardiovascular. For variety, take a class in spinning, kickboxing, martial arts or whatever will get your heart rate up. Once you are burning calories, then muscle that you sculpt will show your hard work and definition.
Patience and Lifestyle Examination
If you suffer from chronic stress, this can lead to weight gain. When you sleep less, you tend to eat more to compensate for energy, and often you reach for sugary, fried or fatty foods. Also, stress has recently been linked to belly fat in particular. While examining ways to which to deal with stress, such as practicing yoga, meditation, or trying to fit in more time to snooze, you also need to have patience when trying to lose weight and tone up your belly. Fast weight loss is almost always temporary weight loss. Taking it slow and steady has proven to not only be healthier but also provides lasting results.