Nutritional Value of Microwave Popcorn

Microwave popcorn is a popular food substitute for dieters. The small packets are tossed into a microwave and produce a pouch of aromatic popcorn that is filling, but is it nutritious or healthy?
  1. Lowest in Fat

    • There are few low-fat microwave popcorn products on the market. The lowest fat popcorn packets hold 1 to 2 g of fat and 45 to 60 calories to a three-cup serving.

    400 Calories

    • A three-cup serving can be equal to less than 1/3 bag of microwave popcorn. A three-cup serving of a caramel- or sugar-coated popcorn treat is 400 to 500 calories and 35 g of fat, which is detrimental to a dieter who is eating 2,000 calories a day.


    • One cup of microwave popcorn can have 40 to 137 mg of salt, which is about 6 percent of the recommended daily intake. An entire bag of popcorn can hold three to five one-cup servings or more, taking up a portion of the acceptable 2,000 mgs of salt intake for a day.

    Vitamins, Minerals and Fiber

    • Vitamins A, E and K, and several minerals are found in a serving of popcorn. Popcorn is an excellent source of fiber that can help in the digestion and elimination process.

    Nutrition Information

    • The nutrition panel is located on the outside of a microwave popcorn box. Be aware the nutrition information might be based on a one-cup serving and there can be several cups in one microwave pouch.

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