About Elderly Diet Planning
Calorie Count
As people age, the amount of calories required generally decreases due to factors such as decreases in activity and metabolism. To avoid adding additional weight, it is also important to reduce the amount of calories consumed, especially if not physically active. As a rule, your calorie needs will be 20 percent less at age 60 than at age 20.
Bone Health
Osteoporosis, or the weakening and hollowing of bones, is fairly common, especially in women. This can result in bones being broken more easily and the posture becoming stooped. A diet rich in calcium, including dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, can prevent the bones from becoming brittle. To guard against weight gain, the reduced-fat or fat-free variety of these products can be consumed.
Consuming a diet high in fiber can aid in the digestive process and can guard against the risk of colon cancer. It can also reduce high blood cholesterol, a condition that can lead to hypertension, heart disease and stroke. Foods that are high in fiber include oatmeal, beans, fruits such as bananas and apples, and green vegetables like broccoli and spinach.
Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, can aid digestion by reducing the chance of becoming constipated. This is sometimes difficult for seniors because thirst decreases during the aging process, and many seniors also avoid liquids due as they lose the ability to control bladder function.
Dietary Supplements
Since it can be difficult for seniors to consume all of the necessary foods for good nutrition, dietary supplements can provide what is missed through proper eating. Calcium supplements can improve bone health, and Omega-3 can supply fatty acids often found in fish that supply "good" cholesterol. Vitamin E can also boost energy levels.