The Best Time to Drink Egg White Protein
Getting enough protein throughout the day is crucial if you want to gain muscle. Egg white, scientifically known as albumen, is one of the most easily assimilated protein sources available. One egg white, which is 90 percent water and takes up two-thirds of the egg, contains six grams of premium protein and zero grams of fat. Egg whites contain vitamins E, K, A, B12 and the nutrients riboflavin and folic acid, as well as all eight essential amino acids needed for building muscle.-
Drink Egg Whites First Thing in the Morning
The blood sugar needs protein to keep you going, so to get your metabolism moving in high gear, it's a good idea to have egg white protein as soon as you wake up. Proteins digest every three hours or so, but eating it first thing in the morning will give you four to five hours of protein building. It will immediately program your body to build muscle and burn fat.
Right After You Work Out
In order to build your muscles, you have to work them out. You can't just eat protein. Getting egg white protein into your body within 30 minutes after you work out will help you achieve better bodybuilding results. Right after your workout, your body and muscles are burning and need proteins to help them build--egg whites have immediately-available protein.
Right Before Bed
Eating egg white protein right before bed is crucial. If you don't have adequate amount of proteins in your body before you go to bed, your body may run out of protein in the middle of the night. After using all of its available protein, your body will think it's starving, so it will shut down and start storing fat cells. Making sure you have enough protein in your body before you go to bed will guard against unwanted fat storage and prevent the body from consuming its own muscle for protein. Some competitive bodybuilders get up in the middle of the night to take some more egg white protein just to be sure they have enough protein through morning.