Nutrition Activities for Kids
MyPyramid Sorting Game
MyPyramid is the nutritional model recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (see Resources). It contains the same basic elements of the Food Guide Pyramid but arranges them differently. Create a model of MyPyramid by drawing a large triangle on poster board. Divide the triangle into the corresponding sections as displayed in MyPyramid. Label each section. Print and cut out pictures of food from all of the food groups. Have the kids sort the food and place each picture in the correct section of the MyPyramid model.
Menu Planning
Create a template for each meal. Include a line for each nutritional element that should be included in the meal. Allow the kids to help create the menu. Assign each child a meal or a day of the week for menu planning. Help them fill in each line for the meal, ensuring all nutritional elements are included. Use the MyPyramid model if they need ideas. You can also print pictures of the food you typically serve at home. Allow the kids to sort through the pictures and pick the items they wish to include in the meal.
Grocery Shopping
Create a grocery shopping list for the kids. Each child is responsible for placing her items into the shopping cart at the grocery store. Include a picture next to each item for younger kids. Help older kids compare prices and read the labels to make the best selection. Grocery shopping with children provides the opportunity to discuss junk food and making good choices about food.
Nutrition Collage
Create a collage of nutritious foods. Help your child cut pictures of nutritional foods from magazines. Allow him to glue his pictures onto a piece of construction paper or cardboard. Labels from food in the cupboard or drawings of nutritious foods can also be added to the collage.
Taste Test
Choose nutritious foods with distinct flavors. Include some foods that may be unfamiliar such as mango, kiwi or avocado. Blindfold each child. Give each a bite of the first nutritious food. Ask her to describe the flavor and guess the identity of the food. Continue the taste test until all of the foods have been tried.
Cook With Kids
Kids enjoy cooking and playing with food. Invite them into the kitchen at snack and meal time. Teach them the basics of measuring, preparing and serving food, as well as kitchen safety rules. Allow the kids to make their own snacks. Remember to supervise children closely around knives and stoves.