Eating to Speed Up Your Metabolism
Clean Up Your Food
Eliminate processed foods from your diet. If it has been prepackaged, processed, frozen, prepared with additives or made from concentrate, drop it from your diet. Eliminate, or severely cut back on, the amount of bread and baked goods you eat. Alternately, eat only whole wheat bread.
Read the Label
Read the label of everything you eat. Look at the serving size and the number of servings in the package, can or wrapper. While a label may tell you there are only 100 calories per serving, there may be two to four servings in the package. Consider what percentage of the calories are from fat. One of the most misleading things on a food label is often how much fat is in the food. The best way to determine just how much fat you will be taking in is to look at the calories from fat--listed to the right of calories per serving. Try to keep the fat calories down to less than 30 percent of the total calories per serving. Another big factor to consider when you're eating to speed up your metabolism is sodium; keep your sodium intake to around 1800 mg, or less.
Eat Five to Six Times a Day
To really get you metabolism going, eat several small meals throughout the day. You should never be really hungry, as you are eating to fuel your body, not just feeding yourself. Experiment with the amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, sodium and other nutrients to find out what works for you. Do not become complacent in your eating, as you will need to change it up often for the best results. In addition to changing your eating habits, you must exercise as well.
Supplements and More
Do not get caught up in the supplement hype, or the latest fad diet. Total deprivation does not work either, as you may actually end you depriving your body of other vital nutrients while trying to avoid things like carbohydrates. Keep it simple. Vitamins are essential to help ensure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs.