Canned Salmon Nutrition

Canned salmon is an economical and flavorful way to enjoy this healthy and flavorful fish. Canned salmon offers all of the health benefits of fresh or frozen salmon for a much lower cost per serving.
  1. Good for the Heart

    • The American Heart Association recommends that healthy adults eat two 4-ounce ounce servings of fish such as salmon and tuna per week. Salmon is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to lower the risk of coronary heart disease.

    Lowers Blood Pressure

    • The omega-3 fatty acids found in canned salmon have been shown to lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation.

    Canned Salmon Is Wild

    • Most canned salmon is wild, and this should be indicated on the label. Wild salmon has lower levels of harmful organic contaminants, such as PCB's, than farm-raised salmon. Both wild and farm-raised salmon have less than the government-specified limits of PCB's and are considered safe.

    High in Calcium

    • Canned salmon contains cooked bones. The bones can be eaten whole or mashed to add extra calcium to dishes.

    Other Nutrients

    • Canned salmon is an excellent source of calcium, niacin, vitamin B6, phosphorus and selenium.

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