Body Cleansing Herbal Teas
Ginger and Lemon Herbal Tea
A great herbal detox tea is a mixture of ginger and lemon tea. Ginger has been used for thousands of years by many civilizations in folk medicine; many societies believe ginger to be healing for the liver. Lemons contain vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant. Research from the Southeastern Medical Center indicates that vitamin C has cell reparative properties and blocks damage from free radicals in the body, including the liver
Green Tea
Green tea is one of the most commonly used teas in the United States and arguably the world. Lead research investigator Sherry Crow Ph.D. from the Arizona Cancer Center has found that the chemicals in green tea boost detox enzymes in the human body; loaded with antioxidants, green tea helps fight free radicals (oxidizing agents that attack the body). Green tea also provides a small amount of caffeine, boosting energy. Green tea can be found at nearly any grocery or health food store.
Fenugreek and Hibiscus Tea
The ancient Egyptians would drink fenugreek tea mixed with hibiscus leaf as a detox tonic. Fenugreek tea is believed to work as a laxative, cleaning out the digestive system. Fenugreek tea has also been found to lower levels of harmful cholesterol as discovered by research from the Japan Science and Technology Agency. Hibiscus has cholesterol-lowering properties and lowers blood pressure, according to a study by the Natural Health Research Institute. Hibiscus and fenugreek teas can be found at most specialty health food stores, including Whole Foods. Pour hot water over one teabag of each tea.
Detox Tea Mixtures
Most stores provide teas that are labeled "Detox Tea." These teas range in purpose. Some teas are specialized mixtures designed to detox the blood, some the kidneys, some for the liver and other organs. When buying a premixed detox tea, look for a brand or type of tea that contains a blend of ingredients that focuses on the organ that needs detoxing. A tea that contains ingredients beneficial to one organ or particular area will be more effective for what needs detoxing then just a total body detox. Check the expiration date. Sometimes tea can sit on a shelf for years; that reduces the effectiveness of the tea. If possible, try to smell the box or container the tea is in; quality tea contains a strong aroma; this can help differentiate between a low quality and a high quality tea.