Good Effects of Caffeine
Pros & Cons
At the right dosage, caffeine increases blood flow to the heart. But an excessive amount of caffeine makes the heart beat too fast. At the right dosage, caffeine will cause the liver to release sugar into the blood, to give an energy boost. Too much caffeine also releases insulin, causing blood sugar levels to drop, thus triggering hunger.
Relaxed Muscles
Caffeine relaxes muscles. The muscles of the lungs relax, easing asthma symptoms. Caffeine relaxes kidney muscles to the point that a person needs to go to the restroom more often. That is why caffeine is labeled as a diuretic.
Fast Brain Power
Caffeine works as a stimulant to heighten mental faculties and to help you focus on the task(s) at hand.
Benefits for Children
Caffeine is used as an alternative to drugs prescribed to children with ADD or ADHD. It has also been used to fight sleep apnea, which may reduce crib deaths in premature babies.
Other Benefits
According to research in an article written by Sid Kirchheimer (The Doctors Book of Home Remedies II), in controlled doses and in some cases, caffeine may help prevent Parkinson's disease, colon cancer, cirrhosis, gallstones, diabetes, cavities and Alzheimer's.
A New View
Caffeine can now be seen as getting good grades and not a failing grade in the classroom of medicinal prescriptions and home remedies. Coffee, the much-referred-to carrier of the caffeine buzz, now seems to be getting a new reputation as being a health food, as opposed to an addictive drink. Still, too much of any substance has its disadvantages, so moderation is key.