Yerba Mate Tea Benefits

Yerba Mate Tea comes from the yerba mate, or Ilex paraguariensis, a shrub that grows up to 15 meters tall in South America. This tea is a complement to green tea and provides several health benefits through its xanthines, polyphenols, saponins, minerals and pantothenic acid.
  1. Tea or Soft Drink

    • Yerba Mate tea is steeped in hot water instead of boiling water, like other teas. This prevents the tea from becoming bitter. Brazil serves a toasted version called "chá mate," with milk as a tea or sweetened as a soft drink.


    • Yerba Mate tea has 11 polyphenols. These phytochemical compounds are strong antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and protect the body's cellular structure.


    • The tea also contains saponins, another phytochemical that stimulates the immune system and has anti-inflammatory properties.

    Vital Minerals

    • Minerals like aluminum, chromium, copper, potassium and zinc are prevalent in yerba mate tea. These minerals boost the metabolism.


    • Another booster in yerba mate tea are the xanthines caffeine, theophylline and theobromine, which have a relaxing affect on involuntary muscle while stimulating the heart muscles.

    Pantothenic Acid

    • Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, occurs in almost all foods but is particularly high in yerba mate tea. This vitamin helps the body absorb the B vitamins and assists the body in making the molecules responsible for the reproduction and repair of the body's cells.

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