Blood Type Diet Basics
Type O - The Hunters
D'Adamo claims that Type O was the original blood type, and primarily carnivorous. Type Os tend to be aggressive leaders and hasty in making decisions when stressed. Health-wise, D'Adamo suggests that Type Os are more prone to insulin resistance, ulcer and thyroid conditions that can lead to weight gain. He recommends that while the Type O diet should be high in protein, they should focus on fish and lean cuts of meat to cut down on saturated fats. Legumes, beans and grains, especially refined ones like white bread or white rice should be consumed in very small quantities, depending on your weight, nutritional needs and health history.
Type A - The Farmers
Type As have problems digesting and metabolizing animal protein and fat, as well as naturally high level of cortisol, a stress hormone, which can cause Type As to overeat. For this reason, D'Adamo suggests eliminating or at least limiting alcohol, sugar and caffeine, as well as eating small, frequent meals. Type As should follow a mainly vegetarian diet with tofu and seafood for protein sources. If you are looking to lose weight, focus on using vegetables oils, vegetable and soy products in your cooking, while avoiding dairy as well as animal proteins.
Type B - The Omnivore
Type Bs have higher levels of cortisol than Type Os or ABs, though not as high as Type As, and have a need for equal parts meat and vegetable in their diets. Therefore, Type B is all about balancing the plant and animal kingdoms through vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat. What Type B needs to focus on most is what to avoid: wheat, corn, lentils, tomatoes, peanuts and sesame seeds. D'Adamo claims that each of these select foods interferes with the metabolic process and will leave Type Bs feeling overly tired, while retaining fluid, and prone to hypoglycemia. The other food to avoid is chicken because it contains a compound in its muscle tissue that can lead to immune disorders and strokes in Type B.
Type AB - Moderation
Type ABs combine both the requirements of Types A and B. For instance, Type ABs need meat, but in smaller portions. D'Adamo claims that since ABs have the sensitive digest tracts of Type Bs, they should choose seafood, dairy over beef, chicken and pork for their protein needs. Also like Type Bs, they should avoid corn and buckwheat.