Home Remedy for High Cholesterol & High Blood Sugar
Foods to Lower Blood Sugar and Cholesterol
Having a high-fiber diet has been suggested for both high cholesterol and blood sugar.This includes whole-grain cereals and breads, oats, barley and legumes. Fruits and vegetables such as carrots, cabbage and all leafy green vegetables, are rich in fiber. Fruits most noted to help control cholesterol are mangoes, apples and guavas. Another healthy addition is sunflower seeds, which contain high amounts of linoleic acid, which help break up artery plaque.
Daily intake of garlic has been given star treatment in the cardiovascular arena. Eating garlic daily is reported to lower blood sugar, stabilize blood pressure and assist in lowering cholesterol.
Most vegetables are valuable in keeping the blood sugar regulated. It is wise to avoid high-carbohydrate fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, watermelon and mangoes. Eating whole grains, including legumes, in small amounts helps regulate blood sugar.
Monosaturated fats are excellent for both conditions.These oils are olive, grape seed and canola.
Fish is excellent as it is rich in fish oil. Cod, tuna and halibut are good as well as salmon, which is very rich in omega 3.
Vitamins and Supplements
Supplements such as lecithin, all the B vitamins, vitamin E and coriander seeds are recommended to lower cholesterol. Supplements for high blood sugar are turmeric, cinnamon and soybeans. Alpha lipoic acid is a widely touted supplement for regulating blood sugar. Vitamin D3, the sunshine vitamin, is becoming very popular for supporting the cardiovascular system. Zinc taken along with copper has been said to further regulate blood sugar.
Lifestyle Changes
A lifestyle full of activity, exercise and enthusiasm are all good things for regulating blood sugar and blood cholesterol. The avoidance of high-fat foods, processed foods and white flour products will do its job in keeping blood sugar and blood cholesterol within safe limits. Eating a diet rich in plant food is also going to work for both conditions. Limiting alcohol intake, managing weight and avoiding smoking are all good lifestyle habits. Taking charge of your health small steps at a time will be a great boost to your health condition.