Natural Diets for ADHD & ADD Kids
Shop for Natural Foods
A healthy diet for kids with ADHD or ADD should emphasize whole and natural foods, including organic meats, fish, eggs and organic vegetables. Use oats, brown rice and rye bread instead of white rice, bread or pasta. Nutrient deficiencies may contribute to ADHD. Pay particular attention to feeding children enough iron, B vitamins, and calcium.
Shop Carefully For Fruits
Kids with ADD or ADHD often have a hypersensitivity to naturally occurring salicylates. Salicylates can be found in otherwise healthy foods, including apples, grapes, raisins, oranges, peaches and plums.
Avoid Processed Foods
Sugar and food additives may increase hyperactivity in children. Avoid feeding your kid with ADD or ADHD foods high in sugar, or with added colorings, thickeners, preservatives or vegetable gum.
Consider Possible Allergies
Food allergies may also trigger symptoms of ADD and ADHD. Common food allergies include soy, dairy, chocolate, peanuts, wheat, sugar, egg and corn. You may want to consider eliminating or greatly reducing these foods for your child's diet.
Avoid Heavy Metals
Heavy metals found in foods may also cause of inattentiveness or hyperactivity. Avoid foods containing mercury, cadmium and manganese. Hair analysis can determine whether your child suffers from heavy-metal toxicity.