Homemade Liver Cleanse
Water is a quick and inexpensive liver cleanser; drinking six to eight glasses a day can help flush toxins out of the liver.
Healthy Diet
Eating a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins in moderation helps cleanse the liver. As well as cleansing the liver, a healthy diet provides nutrients to your whole system and puts less strain on the liver.
Homemade Liver Tonic
Along with water and a healthy diet, drinking a liver tonic will help cleanse and remove toxins from your liver. A tonic composed of an 8-oz. glass of water, 1 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil, 3 tbsp. of lemon juice and 2 tsp. of garlic oil will cleanse the liver and provide nutrition to other parts of the body as well. This liver tonic is meant to drink before a meal, once a day.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is a powerful cleanser of the liver. The Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality says that milk thistle "may be hepatoprotective through a number of mechanisms: antioxidant activity, toxin blockade at the membrane level, enhanced protein synthesis, antifibriotic activity, and possible anti-inflammatory or immunomodulating effects." Milk thistle is often used as a treatment for liver disease. Milk thistle can be found at most well stocked health food stores.
Green tea has been found to be a very effective tool in fighting a toxic liver. Green tea contains antioxidants, which help cleanse and heal the liver. Green tea has been found to improve liver function, and helps remove fat from the liver itself.
While these remedies can help cleanse the liver, and are beneficial to the body in general, if you suspect that you may have liver disease or cirrhosis of the liver, contact a doctor immediately. These treatments are helpful but do not cure serious illnesses of the liver. These tonics and diet recommendation are for those who want to detox the liver and boost its function.