How to Remove Gluten From Your Diet
How to Remove Gluten From Your Diet
Check packages and labels for listed ingredients. If it lists gluten, wheat, rye, oats, barley, triticale, spelt or kamut, then you must avoid that product if you are following a gluten-free diet for health reasons.
Learn about common products that you might not expect to contain gluten, but do. Gluten can be hiding in soy sauce, starches, thickeners, pastries, soup, barbecue sauce, glucose syrup, cereal and many other items. Food manufacturers are getting better about labeling products that contain gluten, due to the rise in awareness of conditions and health issues related to gluten.
If the labels don't list any of the items that you know contain gluten, you should check online sources to see if any of the other ingredients contain gluten. It will take a lot of time in the beginning, but you will learn what foods you can have and what may need a little bit more research.
Find bread, pasta, cereals and other prohibited items that you can consume if the manufacturer uses alternative starches. Check the resource websites at the bottom of the page, as they keep up-to-date lists of manufacturers producing gluten-free alternative foods.
Ask your family and friends to help you, especially in the beginning. It will be an adjustment at first, but it will become a normal way of life if you are diligent and have a good support system.
Enjoy other healthy and fun foods that don't contain gluten. Examples include fresh fruits, vegetables and meats, honey, milk, peanut butter, soft drinks, tea, coffee, bourbon, wine, tequila and most alcoholic beverages except beer.