How to Reduce Fat on Stomach
Things You'll Need
- Mat for Crunches
- (Healthy foods that movie star Jessica Alba eats on her South Beach Diet program…)
- Lean Meats
- Low-Fat Cheeses
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Whole Grains
Healthy Eating
Ensure that your doctor is aware of the lifestyle changes you plan to make. He or she may tell you to be cautious of certain measures (depending on your personal medical records), or simply offer additional advice.
Sign up for an online diet journal website, such as Internet sites such as this are already programmed with nutritional information for thousands of foods. You should record each food item consumed daily, and be sure to pay close attention to the amount of calories, fat and carbohydrates.
Take this recorded information and add up the percent daily values of fats and carbohydrates (located on the right side of the nutritional label, directly across from the amount of grams). Your total should remain around 100 percent per day.
Gauge the number of calories you should be eating in a day by using an Internet website. While this number varies by individual, it is an important tool for fat loss. Do not eat more than this caloric amount per day.
Always pay close attention to the amount of other vitamins and nutrients you are consuming. Their daily totals should also reach 100 percent.
Begin an exercise plan of three 30-minute workouts per week. Stars such as Jessica Alba can vouch that that strengthening and toning the body is just as important as getting rid of excess fat, according to
Each workout should include a minimum of 75 crunches. Tightening a flabby stomach with different variations of crunches will make muscle more noticeable than fat.
Include a cardio activity in at least one workout per week. For instance, run, bike, swim or walk so that the entire body is being exercised, not just the stomach. In turn, a slimmer stomach will be even more evident – but do not forget to do your crunches.
Lift weights as often as possible. Muscles themselves burn calories throughout the day by performing internal functions and helping with exercise. According to MSN Health and Fitness, if there is more muscle available, then more vigorous exercise routines can be created in which the muscle will aide in burning more total calories.
Do not limit the amount of exercise you are planning to do--the more often you exercise, the better. Do not forget to drink plenty of water, as this helps to speed up your body’s metabolic processes, according to Consumer Affairs.