How to Create a Pregnancy Diet
Things You'll Need
- Copy of the food pyramid Notepad Pencil Computer with Internet access Recipe books
Plan to eat from each food group every day. Your pregnancy diet should consist of at least six servings from the bread group, five servings of vegetables, four servings of fruit and three servings from the protein group, which are foods like beans, meat and fish. Three servings of dairy should also be included in your daily diet. This may seem like a lot of food, but keep in mind that one serving usually equals half a cup. The food pyramid found in the resource section of this article is a helpful reminder of which foods you must include in your diet.
Plan ahead to satisfy cravings without blowing your diet. The best way to deal with cravings is to occasionally allow yourself to have a small amount of what you are craving. Snacking on nuts, fruit, crackers or popcorn instead can help you handle those late night cravings in a healthy way.
Eliminate junk food and dangerous foods from your diet plan. Regardless of whether or not you are used to eating healthy, your pregnancy will most likely require you to adjust your diet and eliminate some foods. There are several foods that you should avoid eating during your pregnancy, including fish with high levels of mercury and unpasteurized cheeses. It is also important to avoid greasy food or sweets during your pregnancy. Junk food has no nutritional value and by eating it you will just be getting empty calories that may cause you to gain too much weight during your pregnancy.
Plan to include foods containing iron, calcium and folic acid in your diet. Foods like broccoli and spinach are a good source of folic acid which is needed in the early stages of pregnancy for the baby's cell and tissue development. Additional servings of iron and calcium-rich foods like eggs and yogurt are needed throughout the pregnancy to promote the development of healthy blood cells and bones. Fruit juices and citrus fruits like oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C which helps your body better absorb the iron in foods. It is helpful to post a list of these foods on your refrigerator to use as a reference when you prepare your meals.
Plan out small meals and snacks throughout the day to help you minimize nausea and heartburn. If you suffer from morning sickness, you can try drinking lemonade, eating pretzels or crackers to help alleviate nausea.
Stock your refrigerator with healthy snacks and meals that you've prepared ahead of time. Plan ahead and put together your menu plan each week to make sure that you have enough time to buy and prepare your food.
Drink plenty of water---six to eight glasses per day---to stay hydrated throughout your pregnancy. Drink at least two glasses of water with every meal and in between meals. Add a slice of lemon or lime to your water to improve the taste. Replace any teas or sodas in your diet with water.