How Much Protein is in Yogurt?
Importance of Protein
Protein is necessary for metabolic processes like muscle growth and preparation, digestion and the creation of antibodies. The cultures in yogurt enable the protein in yogurt to be more readily absorbed into the body.
Protein in Yogurt
One cup of plain, skim milk yogurt contains 14 grams of protein. Along with this, it has 137 calories and composes 1 percent of one's daily recommended fat intake.
Different Levels of Protein for Different Types of yogurt
Low fat fruit yogurt contains lower level of protein than plain skim yogurt---about 9.29 grams. Generally, when choosing a protein-filled yogurt, one should choose a variety that contains a low amount of fat and minimal sweeteners.
Other Options
You can also purchase yogurt enriched with whey protein or stir in protein powders, available at local health food stores, with your yogurt. Avoid varieties of yogurt that have a high sugar content, and varieties that claim "heat treatment after culturing"---this increases shelf life but almost completely wipes out the health benefits of cultured yogurt.
Other benefits of yogurt
The cultures in yogurt help the body absorb nutrients. Yogurt is also easier to digest than milk and contains comparable amounts of calcium for bone health. Yogurt also promotes colon health and boosts immunity to some viruses.