Nutritional Information on Egg Whites
Eggs are popular because of the amount of protein they have. And most of the protein they have is found in the egg white, not the yoke. In one large egg, the whites have 4 g of protein. In one cup of egg whites, there is approximately 26 g of protein. Protein is important for the building and maintenance of muscle and tissue.
Egg whites are high in phosphorus, sodium and potassium. These minerals are required by the body to have healthy bones, teeth, fingernails and hair. The potassium is especially good for the nervous system, which helps with stress and anxiety. Potassium also feeds directly into the muscles, aiding them with strength.
Egg whites have vitamin B6 and B12, riboflavin and folate. Riboflavin (also known as the B2 vitamin) aids the body in having proper cell growth and function and gives the body energy. Riboflavin is needed in very small doses in order to achieve its benefits. Folate (also known as the B9 vitamin) is important to heart health, cell function and repair of cells, as well as proper function of the metabolic system. B6 and B12 do all of the above plus help the digestive system to work properly.
Fat and Calories
Egg whites have very little calories and fat. In one large egg white, there is just 16 calories and no fat. All of the fat and calories in the egg mainly come from the yolk, which has 54 calories and 5 g of fat.
What the Egg White Doesn't Have
Though the egg whites are healthy, they still do not have some of the most important nutrients that we need on a daily basis, such as fiber (0 g), iron (0 g) and calcium (0 g).