What Food Has the Most Fiber?
Daily Fiber
It is recommended that every day people consume 24 to 38 grams of fiber. However, most Americans only have about 10 grams daily, or less than a third of what is needed. Only 5 percent eat the necessary amount. It is not difficult to consume a diet high in fiber. There are many foods that are fiber rich.
High Fiber
There are many foods that have 7 or more grams of fiber in one serving. One cup of black beans has nearly 15 grams of fiber, and one cup of bran cereal has almost 20 grams. In one medium avocado, there are about 12 grams of fiber. Some of the other highest fiber foods include green peas, kidney beans, lima beans, split peas and lentils.
Over 3 Grams
The second largest group of foods, which have between 3 and 7 grams of fiber, include a wide variety of foods, as well. One cup of whole wheat pasta is nearly 7 grams, as is 3 tsp. of flax seeds. Foods that have nearly 6 grams of fiber include one sweet potato, one cup cooked garbanzo beans and one papaya.
Low in Fiber
There are many foods that only have less than 3 grams of fiber, such as one medium-sized peach, tomato or plum. Other low fiber foods are celery, onions and peppers. These vegetables and fruits are still nutritious, and you should still eat them. However, you will need to eat more of these foods or in addition to high fiber items, if you want the diet that is best for your body's health system.
Reason for High Fiber
Studies show that these high fiber foods absorb large amounts of water and make your stools softer and easier to pass. According to the U.S. government, the latest research shows that foods with soluble fiber can positively affect cholesterol and other aspects of blood involved with heart disease. Similarly, because the food moves more quickly through your body, there may be less of a risk of cancer of the colon, breast, ovaries or uterus. Eating meals high in fiber also improves your levels of blood sugar, which is important in avoiding diabetes. Fiber may also lower the risk of gallstones and kidney stones.
Early Human Evolution
Scientists such as Dr. Loren Cordain, who specialize in paleo diets, report that early humans were hunter-gathers and ate meals that were high in fiber. There are still societies that have this diet. These researchers have found that 20th century hunter-gathers did not have signs of cardiovascular disease.