How to Reduce Fat Around the Stomach
Things You'll Need
- Mat for Crunches (Some food items eaten by movie star Jessica Alba on her South Beach Diet plan...) Lean Meats Low-Fat Cheeses Fruits Vegetables Whole Grains
Healthy Eating
Involve your doctor in the weight-loss process by informing him of your decision to make a lifestyle change. He or she may recommend further tips or caution you of any personal problems that may require attention.
Record the nutritional information of everything you eat in a log, journal or diary. There are multiple online websites set up for this purpose, many of which already have the nutritional information of thousands of foods. You need to pay close attention to the amount of calories, fat and carbohydrates consumed on a daily basis.
Monitor the percent daily values of fats and carbohydrates. To do so, note their percentages on the right side of the nutritional information label, and then record the percentage you have consumed. Your total daily percentage should not surpass 100 percent--which stands as the recommended healthy amount per day.
Calculate your ideal daily caloric intake on the Internet. To lose stomach fat, you should not exceed this amount of calories in the food you consume per day.
Keep in mind that each vitamin and nutrient listed on the nutritional label serves a purpose in your body. While focusing on calories, carbohydrates, and fats, do not disregard the fact that 100 percent of each vitamin should be attained daily for a balanced diet.
Thirty minutes of exercise at least three days per week should be integrated into your lifestyle. Do not underestimate the positive effects of strengthening and toning your body.
Include 75 crunches of any variation in each workout regimen. By targeting the stomach muscles, fat around the area will become less evident.
Use a minimum of one exercise routine per week to focus on cardio activity. Running, walking, swimming or biking is vital to an overall healthy body (according to MSN Health and Fitness)--which, in turn, will help to reduce stomach fat. Do not forget to do your crunches on this day as well.
Try to incorporate weight lifting into your exercise routine. According to MSN Health and Fitness, more muscle gives the body an opportunity to burn more calories throughout the day, so lifting weights can be very effective.
Drink water regularly. By combining smart eating and regular exercise with liquid hydration, the speed of your metabolism will increase, as stated by Consumer Affairs.