Foods That Contain Gluten
Foods Containing Gluten
Wheat, wheat germ, wheat grass, rye, barley, bulgar, couscous, farina, graham flour, kamut, matzo, seitan, semolina and spelt all contain gluten. Oats are OK unless prepared around contaminated materials.
Check Labels
The Food and Drug Administration doesn't require manufacturers to list gluten as part of a food's ingredients. Double check the labels of imitation meats, sauces, thickeners, pastas and breads. Gluten-free labels are not always accurate. Do your homework. Read labels for the grains and foods you know to contain gluten.
Most alcohol is made from gluten, but the distilling process removes it. Beer, ale and lager still contain gluten.
Other items
Play-Doh, some lipsticks and some toothpastes also contain gluten.
Gluten intolerance
Celiac disease is when the body cannot digest gluten. Monitoring your diet is the only treatment. Read labels carefully. Avoid cross contamination while handling food.