What Is Senna Tea Used For?
The Facts
Senna tea is bitter in taste. It does not carry the rich aroma or bitter taste of black tea, nor does it have the grassy taste of green tea. Rather, it contains a mixture of the two, a bitter, grassy taste. This taste can be attributed to the tea's active ingredient, senna, which is a purgative herb used as a laxative. Senna helps induce the muscle contractions that lead to bowel movements. It is a widely used natural laxative that stimulates the colon, helping to reduce constipation and fecal matter. It is often combined with other herbal laxatives, such as rhubarb and yellow dock to increase its effects.
This tea is used to help soften the stool and relieve constipation. It is especially useful for those who have hemorrhoids. It can be used after rectal surgery to induce easier bowel movements. Senna tea causes wastes to be removed from the body more quickly than normal, which helps keep the stool softer by providing less time for the body to absorb fluid. This is ideal subsequent to rectal surgery because it makes the defecation process less painful.
Senna tea can be prepared two ways. The traditional and most natural method is by plucking the leaves of a senna plant, crushing them and steeping them in water for 15 minutes to several hours. Today, however, you can purchase senna tea in tea bags, just like regular black or green tea. The traditional method will yield more control over senna concentration than tea bags.
Side Effects
Because it is a laxative, senna tea may cause abdominal cramps. The severity of the cramps depends upon how much of the herb is ingested. Tea prepared with a higher concentration of senna is more likely to induce abdominal cramps. Generally, use only 1 tsp. of crushed senna or one tea bag of packaged senna per cup of tea. In addition, you can reduce the likelihood of abdominal cramping by allowing the tea to steep in cold water for 10 to 12 hours. This lessens the resin residue left in the tea. Resin is what causes the abdominal cramps.
Senna tea may cause your body's potassium level to drop. In addition, it may cause bone loss, muscle weakness, water retention, kidney disorders and blood in urine. Moreover, the United States National Library of Medicine reports a case in which a 52-year-old woman suffered acute liver failure with renal impairment due to senna abuse.
Pregnant and nursing women should not drink senna tea because the senna could lead to problems with their babies' development. People with conditions such as intestinal blockage, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and inflammatory intestinal disorders should not take senna tea. Senna tea can also interfere with heart medications. Senna tea should not be taken with diuretics as diuretics deplete the body's potassium level as well.